Social Transformation
Just as the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, the journey to change the lives of the people of south africa starts with changing the employment landscape, our purpose is to equip the unemployed with skills to help them take that single step.

About Us
We are South Africans from the eastern cape, the struggle of our fellow people we know very well and are close to it, though we have managed to rise above it. Our skills range from Project Management, Asset Management, Change Management, Research, Training, NPO Grant Management, Government Supply Chain Management, Internal Audit and Consulting. Our experience exposed us to many fields hence we excel in finding either the solution or the people with the solution to problems. Our common skill is that most of us in our different professional careers provide training to others while some are registered assessors and facilitators.
Our Workshops
Stories of Change
On 24th September 2022 10 attendees of our home industry workshop in the small town of Idutywa Eastern Cape on butter making, experienced for the first time the art of making butter, learnt about the products and tools required and the vast uses of butter.